Monkey18 > The Emissary of Tep > Characters > Hinun
< Hania | Imala > Hinun Builder of Huts (male, age 42)
    Meticulous, physically fit, attractive.

    Locations: Work Hut, Eating Hall, Forest Path I.

    Character: Hinun will spend days planning his next project. While executing said project, he is the consummate anal-retentive engineer; a true perfectionist. He is sometimes at odds with others due to this. He is able to construct very detailed and precise models of objects, both to his and others’ specifications, from simple scrapes of wood and stone. His possessions are proof of his overall life philosophy: clean, everything has its place, and worn - but not tattered.

    Description: Hinun is art in motion. His muscles sing in perfect unison. Although of average height, he is heavy, with a great deal of well toned muscle mass. His sharp, shrewd eyes seem to perceive the minutest details, and he moves with spectacular spatial acuity. The encompassing tattoo on Hinun’s upper arm is of an abstract form of a hammer. It is extremely detailed with weaving and curling arcs that create a beautiful pattern. Upon closer inspection of the body art, one sees that it is in fact chiseled into his flesh.

      "Over there, and uhm, with the stones.. and hmmm. Good, good. Yes we can do that" (talking to himself about some project)
      "Did you measure that?! Mmmm, away - I’ll do it!"
      "Oh, that is o-v-e-r-t-h-e-r-e." (He’s pointing in a direction while flexing his muscles, knowing that he’s quite attractive)
      "Could you hand me that right there; yeah that one. Nonono, hand it to me this way. - Okay you try it." Mumbles something under his breath.
      "You like it?" pointing to his tattoo "I was thinking about getting more, but the gods started their feud in earnest."

< Hania | top | Imala >