Monkey18 > The Emissary of Tep > Characters > Kaila
< Isak | Kalil > Kaila Finder of Fruits (female, age 9)
    Naïve, inquisitive, outspoken.

    Locations: Forest Path I, Abandoned Longhouse C, Field.

    Character: Kaila is easy to talk to and enjoys gossip. She is prone to suspect people of various evils for foolish reasons and is forthcoming with her opinions. Kaila seems to have boundless energy; while picking fruit, she will readily contort her body to reach through branches and twisting vines. She enjoys talking to anything while she works, be it animal or plant. Both of her parents were sacrificed to Tepititan months earlier; it turns out that her father was one of Rametep's pawns. However, she is not bothered by this. After all, they are waiting for her in paradise. Kaila was all too happy to finally have the run of her hut. She's confident that she knows how to run things better than her parents did. This causes her to become impatient with the other children on Tep; she feels that they are just not old enough for her. If she is chosen to be sacrificed to Tepititan she will not be upset, for she is excited to see what paradise is like.

    Description: Kaila's body is an awkward frame that still manages to move with confidence. She is alway moving and fidgeting on her light, quick feet. Kaila wears a dazzling assortment of beads and feathers, as though she is trying to show how "grown-up" she is. These trinkets click and flutter wherever she goes. She carries a large basket on her back which holds several pounds of fruit. Although she seems to be constantly working, Kaila is a smiling, happy child.

      "Do you think Rametep will win?"
      "Did Ararametepititan show you paradise? What is it like?"
      "Did you hear what ______ said? They think that ______ did it!"
      "Would you like to come for dinner? I'm making beans..."
      "One day I will make the juice!"

< Isak | top | Kalil >