Monkey18 > The Emissary of Tep > Characters > Leilani
< Kaveri | Merripen > Leilani Leader of the Rites (female, age 23)
    Mercurial minded, attractive.

    Locations: Tepititan’s Temple, Hot Springs, Hut 6.

    Character: Leilani is something of a ditz. She takes her role seriously, but is easily distracted. In her attempts to do the right thing, she will often overlook a specific, integral detail, botching her good intentions. More often than not, Leilani has the attention span of a shrew on caffeine induced high. Her most painful childhood experience was when the family pet bit her on the ear; she also broke both her right forearm and her left shoulder blade in the same incident. Otherwise, however, her parents made sure she was quite sheltered. Although she is not completely incapable of reflective thought, she rarely considers a problem for long, and so her opinion is easily swayed. The only consistent aspects of her personality are her appreciation of natural and artistic beauty and her reverence for life. Naturally, she is privately horrified with the mounting casualties of the Gods’ feud, but she does her best to put forth a strong front.

    Description: Leilani’s stunning face arrests the eye. Large, pale green eyes are set over a feminine nose, and a graceful, lilting mouth radiates sensuality. Delicate, well-formed ears are partially hidden by cascading, shoulder-length, strawberry blonde hair. She has a beautifully proportioned dancer’s body, and her smooth, dark skin has a smattering of freckles. Leilani’s revealing, blue silk dancing outfit uncovers a birthmark on her stomach, just to the left of her pierced navel. Her magnetic movements are fluid and willowy.

      "I really didn’t mean too, I swear!"
      "Was I supposed to do that?"
      "Stop badgering me! I know what I’m supposed to do!"
      "You’re cute!"
      "I’m sorry, I have to go do my dances now."

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