Monkey18 > The Emissary of Tep > Characters > Qianru
< Merripen | Rushi > Qianru Maker of the Juice (female, age 43)
    A purist, professional, dark humored.

    Locations: Grog Rock, Hut 1, Geyser Area.

    Character: Efficiency is obviously a policy with this woman. Her work is important to the town’s greater good, and she understands this deeply. She takes humble pride in her work, considering it more a duty than a calling. She is extremely approachable, and usually interested in how the townsfolk are doing. The changing events in town are taking a toll on Qianru on a deep level, although it may not become immediately apparent. She is not the type of person who is equipped to see their entire town slain.

    Description: Qianru is short, with a considerable belly. Her crisp clothes show that she definitely has concern for appearances. Her sharp eyes contrast the soft curving forms of her face. A smooth round nose pokes out from a rosy-cheeked face. Her movements are energetic, but in no way wasteful. She seems to take some small pride in her colorful clothing, which looks as though it is dyed using local juice-making materials. The flamboyant colors are offset by her efficiency-minded attitude.

      "Making juice is not just some silly game."
      "I’m sorry, but I just take my job very seriously."
      "Please be careful, you might spill my ingredients."
      "Do you really think you can make a difference?"
      "Poisonous? You drink it, and tell me if it’s poisonous."

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